When the fate of the Manzanita golf course became uncertain last year, home sales in the golf course area halted. Thankfully Manzanita's Golf Course has new owners and homes in the golf course area are moving once again.
461 Upland Drive, Ocean View Home, Sold!
The change in the golf course status is favorable for the Manzanita market, and especially for the Wilderman family, who listed two of their golf course family homes right when the future of course became unclear. Now both of their homes have new owners with exciting visions for their homes and the Wilderman family can truly move on to new chapters in their lives. Congratulations to the Buyers and Sellers! We're excited for you both!
444 Upland Drive, Golf Course Front Home, Sold!
To see what's going on at the Manzanita Golf Course, visit www.manzanitalinks.com.